Former NBA player and legend Charles Barkley is very outspoken in expressing his political views, but lately he seems to be suffering from a streak of self-hatred. Barkley recently spoke out on the recent unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and his comments were to say the least insulting. “Those aren’t real black people, those are scumbags. … There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people’s businesses, burning down police cars,” he reportedly said of the protesters.
In addition, Barkley goes on to defend the grand jury decision and former police officer Darren Wilson by stating, “The true story came out from the grand jury testimony … three or four witnesses, who were black, said exactly what the cop said.”
Barkley’s statements are counter to the sentiments of many professional athletes who have been critical of the grand jury’s decision and supportive of Ferguson protesters.
His interview can be heard below:
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