Fit Fridays with Holly Lowe Jones: Hair care tips for Black women who want to work out


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4 in 5 Black women are overweight or obese. One of the biggest excuses Black women make for not working out is that it’s too difficult to manage their hair. As a Black woman, I understand how challenging this can be. However, there are many different ways to solve this problem.

I have friends with many different hair types and textures — from silky-wavy to kinky-coarse — who manage to work out and still keep their hair looking good. It amazes me how far we’ve come in Black hair care. There are some amazing products on the market, and there are so many more styling options and techniques than there were just 10 years ago.

Here are some tips on how to exercise regularly and keep your hair looking fly:

  1. Timing is everything. Over the years, I’ve learned how to properly time my hairdos. If I hit the gym hard Monday through Thursday and know I have a party to go to on Friday, I can get at least two or three days out of my hairstyle, while I let my body recover.
  2. Go natural. Having a relaxer is so 1995. It’s no longer necessary for Black women to have no-lye relaxers in this day in age. There are so many cute possibilities for wearing a natural look. Braids, locks, twists and updos are all possibilities. There are many methods for achieving curly styles, such as two-strand twists and coils. Flattering styles can be achieved even for hair that is resistant and kinky in texture.
  3. Get a weave. I realize that some women may have hair growth issues, or just really coarse hair that won’t respond much to anything. There are also women who just don’t have the time or desire to go through the maintenance and work required of natural styles. A weave is a great solution for many Black women who want to work out, but can’t manage their natural hair
  4. Use high-quality products. I am truly amazed at the hair styling products on the market today. I’m not talking about your average hair care lines (which are not cheap), but I’m referring to premium brands, which can be quite expensive. However, for me the expense is totally worth it. I have figured out how to take care of my hair completely by myself, and this includes, color, styling, and even trimming my ends. I do not have any chemical relaxers in my hair, and I am able to have it camera-ready in less than two hours! I am saving tons of money and time. As any Black woman knows, going to the beauty salon can take an entire day.

Don’t let your hair keep you from being fit and in your best health.

Wishing you fitness and health,


Holly Lowe Jones is a media professional, fitness expert, and personal trainer. A member of the National Association for Health and Fitness, Jones is also a seasoned triathlete who competes in her spare time.


Instagram: HollyLoweJones

Twitter: @HollyLoweJones

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