5 questions with ‘Pictures Plus’ app creator Chyrisse Henderson

Chyrisse Henderson
Photo by TJ Armour for The Armour Agency / Steed Media Service

Tell us about your new app, Pictures Plus.
Pictures Plus is a mobile app that allows secure photo organization & sharing of those special moments captured with friends & loved ones. It’s a safe and user friendly password protected app that gives users the ease of locating photos without the hassle of scrolling thru unorganized media.

Other features of the app include include:

– Create/rename folders to save and organize photos.

– Tap and drag feature to easily move photos into designated folders.

– Transmit/share photos to social media, email and messenger.

– Password/touch ID protected.

– Camera/video function within the app.

What was the inspiration for creating the app?
In creating Pictures Plus, I thought about the common complaints and frustrations among my friends and family with locating pictures taken with their smartphones. I then created a list of those frustrations and began to structure a sequential functionality that seemed to make sense.

From conception to launch, how long did the process take?
Well, I’ve had the majority of my app ideas for quite some time be time however, once I met my developers it only took approximately two months to complete the build and submit it to the App Store.

As a woman of color, have you had an especially difficult time navigating in the tech industry?
It was definitely challenging especially when I initially created the concept because I had no idea how to execute my ideas. Although the tech industry is booming…it’s not so apparent where to go to get ideas developed. Had it not been for a chance encounter — thanks to you — with the creator of another app, I’d probably still be searching trying to figure out how to get started.

What’s next for you? Any other projects in the works?
After Pictures Plus it’s on to my next app idea. There’s definitely more of me waiting to become a huge part of this tech industry.

For more information and to download the Pictures Plus app, please visit the Apple Store.

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