When it comes to Stacey Dash these days, it’s less about what camera she’s in front of and more about what kind of outrageous things she’ll say about America, race issues and women’s issues. So it came as no surprise this week when Dash turned heads as she critiqued Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Dash bashed Clinton during Thursday’s edition of FOX’s “Outnumbered” as she discussed Clinton’s recent comment that the Republican presidential candidates are like “terrorist groups” when it comes to women’s issues.
“This woman is reprehensible,” said Dash, before telling co-host Dr. Marc Siegel, “I don’t know, Doctor, you tell me: With sociopaths, when they start getting cornered… don’t they get desperate and start saying things that are just outrageous and basically end up hanging themselves?’”
“That’s absolutely right,” said Dr. Siegel, before quickly switching to a new topic.
Well, we can’t say we’re surprised.