For more than a year, Nick Gordon has been fighting against accusations that he was responsible for the tragic death of his late girlfriend, Bobbi Kristina Brown. However, yesterday news broke that a judge decided to rule that Gordon was legally responsible for Brown’s death. Since then, the internet has erupted with commentary about the ruling and now Brown’s father, Bobby Brown, has opened up about how he feels about Gordon’s fate.
As previously reported, Bobbi Kristina Brown passed away in July 2015, several months after she was found face down and unresponsive in her bathtub. Brown’s estate filed a $50M lawsuit against Gordon, claiming he was abusive, stole money from Bobbi, and that he caused the brain damage that resulted in her death.
Brown’s estate claimed in the lawsuit that Gordon gave her a “toxic cocktail rendering her unconscious” before he allegedly “put her face down in a tub of cold water causing her to suffer brain damage.”
However, according to Brown’s autopsy report, she died from a multitude of causes, including lobar pneumonia due to “Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, delayed effects” and “Immersion of face in water complicating mixed drug intoxication.” The report also claimed that although she clearly didn’t die of natural causes, it was unclear if she died accidentally or via intentional forces.
For more than a year, Gordon has denied that he had anything to do with Brown’s death, claiming instead that she fell victim to her own battle with drug addiction.
During the case, Gordon elected to represent himself but failed to appear in court twice. Since Gordon failed to appear a second time, Fulton County Superior Court Judge T. Jackson Bedford ruled that the plaintiff’s allegations are admitted through omission and that Gordon is “legally responsible” for Brown’s death.
Yesterday, Brown’s father released a statement about the ruling and explained that he was happy with Bedford’s decision.
“I am pleased with the outcome of today’s court proceedings,” Brown said in the statement. “All I ever wanted was answers relating to who and what caused my daughter’s death. Today’s judgment tells me it was Nick Gordon. Now I need to process all the emotions I have and lean on God to get me and my family through this.”
We’re not surprised at all about the elder Brown’s statement since last year his lawyer explained that the singing legend believed wholeheartedly that Gordon harmed his daughter.
What do you think of Brown’s statement? Let us know in the comments.
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