3 ways to grow your Instagram impact today

3 Ways to Grow Social Media
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Social media grows on a daily basis. Instagram is no different so it may be intimidating to new brands to find their unique audience. Here are three ways you can start establishing yourself as a standout.

1. Don’t overlook your profile photo
This small circle can determine whether or not someone will click to find out more information. Coupled with your Instagram page name, this can be an invitation or distraction to your profile. Your profile photo should be either your logo or a professional photo. Resize it to fit within the Instagram circle with PicMonkey if needed to make sure it fits within the circle. A great profile photo will grab someone’s interest enough to double tap on it to see what the page is about. Blurry, distorted or random photos don’t help your business.
2. Use hashtags that are relevant to your audience
Hashtags should always be part of your social media strategy but can look spammy if overdone. Each platform is different but for Instagram you can use up to 30 hashtags per post. This includes anything that may be in your caption or added in the comments. When building your hashtag strategy,  use 10-15 hashtags that are relevant to your audience. These should be viewed as search terms your ideal client would be searching on Instagram. Measure their impact over a few days and keep the ones that are bringing in traffic.
3. Be social
This seems to be one of the most overlooked ways to stand out on social media, which is a bit ironic. Social media is not a build it and they will come system. To see true growth, give what you want to receive. Make it a daily habit to interact not only with your followers but potential followers. Go through hashtags and genuinely like/comment on photos you like. Return the likes and comments of your followers. Not only will it make you memorable, but it makes your brand approachable.
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