Yisrael Wright teaches entrepreneurs to leverage passion

Yisrael Wright teaches entrepreneurs to leverage passion
Photo credit: Totally Tara PR

Yisrael Wright is a young mogul in the making. He is an established licensed men’s grooming specialist who is dedicated to furthering himself in the hair and beauty industry. Aside from servicing residents of Atlanta and a multitude of celebrities, Wright has his hands on multiple projects and businesses that have inspired him to write a book that outlines the 12 most important factors to becoming a successful entrepreneur. His book, ENTREPRENEUR, What I Wish They Would’ve Told Me has an overall goal to encourage, advise, and inspire dreamers and aspiring business owners to turn their passion into a paycheck. He pushes his readers to put some hustle behind their hobbies and gives them quality solutions for common entrepreneurial issues.

What made you want to write a book?
I had a lot of notes in my phone, and that’s kind of where it started. Also, I had a client that pushed me to write a book. I think he was talking more about barbering than entrepreneurship, but just the idea of writing a book is dope. I had all these ideas in my head, so why not turn it into something tangible that people can actually hold and learn from. What I Wish They Would’ve Told Me is so important because it lays out everything I wish someone would have told me at the beginning of my entrepreneurship journey.

Your book is broken up into different chapters that start with a letter from the word “entrepreneur.” What does each letter stand for?
Well, the reason I did this is to do the intangible. So, for each letter of the word I came up with a word that I felt was important in entrepreneurship that most people don’t usually focus on.
Chapter 1 Energy
Chapter 2 Networking
Chapter 3 Trust
Chapter 4 Resourcefulness
Chapter 5 Experience
Chapter 6 Passion
Chapter 7 Relationships
Chapter 8 Education
Chapter 9 Negativity
Chapter 11 Unapologetic
Chapter 12 Respect

Entrepreneurship seems like a trend for the current generation, what is your opinion of so many people wanting to pursue having their own business?
I mention that in Chapter 10. Everyone is capable of being an entrepreneur, however, not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it, or can’t do it, but you have to have the desire to do whatever it is that you want to do full time knowing that this will probably be your main source of income. You have to be OK with that. Some people are better workers than bosses and leaders, and some people can help you build your own dream [as] opposed to building their own.

Yisrael Wright teaches entrepreneurs to leverage passion

How did you go about identifying your key points for the book?
That was kind of tough. But it was really just life. I figured out what meant the most to me, and what really were the intangibles. I also had conversations with different people from the successful business person to the entry level entrepreneur. Probing, asking questions from different people and getting quality answers really helped; I just put it together. I’ve also been practicing each chapter of the book for the last month and it has been working like crazy.

In your book’s foreword, it says that you’re teaching people how to turn their passion into their paycheck. How did you go about advising people to do so?
Hard work. Relentlessness. Education is huge. You have to also be willing to educate other people. That’s how I turned my passion into my paycheck, and me being more educated in it. It made what I was doing more valuable to me, so that’s when I started taking it to another level.

Who do you look up to as an entrepreneur?
I think Jay-Z is the epitome of an entrepreneur and a go-getter. He has his hands in everything and I think that as an entrepreneur, that should be a goal. He goes after what he wants and works to be the best version of himself. I really admire that.

What’s one thing that you want to tell your followers on social media about chasing their dreams that you didn’t already identify in your book?
You have to have faith in God, and you have to let Him guide you to whatever it is. You don’t have to find your niche. It’s already in you, it’s just your job to bring it out. Let God help you do so.

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Instagram/Facebook: @Yizclusive
Website: www.yizclusive.com

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