Ne-Yo makes great comeback with new album

Our favorite gentleman is making a comeback as a Good Man. Singer/songwriter Ne-Yo is releasing his 8th studio album, Good Man, on June 8 and you’d be quite surprised at the feels and features he’s bringing this time around. If you’re hoping

Jemele Hill tells her side of the story at Atlanta Hawks’ MOSAIC

Since Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election, the nation has experienced multiple incidents of overt racism and discrimination.  At the same time, individuals who oppose things they know to be wrong, have taken a stand, protested, and come together to

‘Disrupting’ the peace with Jemele Hill

[jwplayer lxONMcOX] Disruption was the theme for the Atlanta Hawks’ third annual symposium. Keynote speaker Jemele Hill spoke about being a minority in the sports industry, dealing with the backlash from the president, and being a leader in your community.

Robin Pitts brings Brown girls to the ballet barre

Throughout history, African American dancers, choreographers and instructors (e.g. Kathrine Dunham, Judith Jamison, Alvin Ailey, Cab Calloway, and the Nicholas Brothers) have made major contributions in helping to shape the culture of dance. Today, young, African American dancers can be

Bobby V releases new album ‘Electrik’

[jwplayer 4xSL5CCj] Bobby V just released his eighth studio album, Electrik, and his new music is definitely giving us “old” Bobby vibes, with a brand-new sound. This thirteen track album includes an intro of Bobby V. asking his listeners “Are you

Bad Boy’s legacy continues with Christian Combs

It’s only the beginning of 2018, and Christian Combs is already coming harder than ever. Being only 19 years old, he’s accomplished a lot in the past two months, and only seems to be at the beginning of a long-lived

Social media brings new faces to the BET red carpet

Behind our favorite videos, memes and social media profiles are people who have a passion for entertaining and inspiring others. Using their individual platforms each person contributes to the social media community in their own unique way — establishing themselves

Atlanta honors Dr. King

[jwplayer y3E6VsmK] Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy was honored by people across the city of Atlanta. Atlantans commemorated him on Jan. 15 with parades, by visiting monuments, and performing community service.

Women making major moves in 2017

[jwplayer 0Lp23QfA] So, 2017 was a great year for women in the entertainment industry. From music, to TV, and film, women made sure 2017 was their year to make their mark. Watch this episode of rolling out’s Top 5 as

DeVon Franklin is more important to this generation than you think

[jwplayer 1P5gSkj7] As a producer, public speaker, minister and author, DeVon Franklin has inspired many through his spiritual teachings and contributions in Hollywood. In an increasingly pessimistic world, we could all use a spiritual pick-me-up. This week, it’s provided by

Boy Scouts take a new direction

Boy Scouts of America is making a major change to the membership requirement for the organization. On Wednesday, Oct. 11, Boy Scouts announced that they will now be accepting girls into this 100-year-old organization and are hoping that this change