B. P. Pickett discusses staying consistent and focused in business

B. P. Pickett discusses staying consistent and focused in business
Photo courtesy of B. P Pickett

When the conversation of quintessential Renaissance men comes up, B. P Pickett is usually at the top of the list. A thriving business owner and father, he’s securing generational wealth by training his teenage daughter Brianna to run his company. Pickett is a well-respected and forward-focused business owner and a true philanthropist.

Rolling out had the opportunity to chat with Pickett.

Tell us about your business:

I’ve been owning The Original Johnson Funeral Home from the Near North Side of Chicago for 15 years and have now opened up our brand-new location, The Brian P. Pickett’s Johnson Funeral Home at 5301 W. Madison.

How do you keep yourself positive and motivated? 

I keep myself positive and motivated by knowing that behind every challenge and temptation God is resting me to see how I handle the situation and if it’s handled the way he would want me to, there’s a blessing on its way.

What advice would you give your younger self? 

The advice I would give my younger self is to stay consistent being a leader over following others, not worrying about what others think, but be an example for others to follow while representing the ways of God.

What’s the most challenging moment you’ve ever had in business and how did you overcome it? 

The most challenging time I ever had was this new funeral home renovation, it was so challenging when you had to rely on others to do their part and they took their time. What helped me through was this one Scripture, “For the race isn’t given to the soft nor battles to the strong, but to the one who endures to the end.”

If you could meet with any influential person in the world, who would it be and what would you talk about? 

I would meet with the one person that I’m friends with and meet with once a year at our annual event, and that’s Oprah, I will continue to get advice and direction from her because everything she has done has proven itself and has worked for her and it shows regarding her success and business.

What’s next for you and your business? 

Well, proposing marriage, building my family, politics, and keeping others motivated, encouraged, and help them reach their destiny as God charged me to do. As far as my business, prepare to open up and purchase other funeral homes, cemeteries, real estate, and other businesses in and out of Illinois and throughout the United States.

How can the public reach you?

I can be reached at [email protected], Like my FB Page Brian P. Pickett

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