Rapper Milfie is raunchy and sophisticated in her music

Rapper Milfie is raunchy and sophisticated in her music
Photo credit: Twitter – @1milfie

Detroit rapper Milfie is committed to free expression. She speaks how she feels in her music (Skateland, Ain’t Pressed) and can care less what you think. It’s a Detroit thing with her, as the 24-year-old independent artist is making her mark in the city. This same disposition was displayed in our interview, as well.

When did you first gather up the courage to pick up the mic?
I finally mustered up the courage to rap publicly in 2015, and I don’t see myself putting the mic down anytime soon.

Which comes more natural to you, freestyling in the booth, or writing everything down, and then going into the studio?
Naturally, writing is so easy for me. I write a song in one sitting sometimes, and as soon as I do, I’m ready to record. I’m so impatient. Freestyling isn’t as easy for me, but my boyfriend makes me freestyle with him all the time so I can become more comfortable.

Raunchy and sophisticated is the objective in your music and stylistic choices. What is your biggest form of influence, if you have one?
My biggest forms of influence are Trina and Beyoncé. I feel like I’m a mix between the two, and they’re packed into my tiny body.

In hip-hop, women are constantly battling for recognition and supremacy. In your music, how do you inspire positivity and unity amongst women, while still keeping that competitive nature?
Women are constantly battling for recognition from everyone in hip-hop, but I feel like we want recognition from other women, than the men in the industry. We want to feel like there’s a sisterhood amongst us, at least that’s how I feel. I like to make every woman feel like a bad b- when they listen to my music. I feel like we all have something in us that makes us just as bad as the next so we have to accentuate that one thing. It’s all about knowing what’s good for you and playing on it.

Talk a little about the Detroit music scene. What are its positives and negatives?
The Detroit music scene is strange. Everyone wants support from everyone, and no one wants to support the next person. Crabs in a bucket is the best way to describe it. People don’t want to praise anyone else or acknowledge their talent because they think it will take away from their light. Yeah, there are positives out here because, of course, some people are loving and genuine and supportive. But man are they far and few between one another. I could compare Detroit to other places, and talk about how united they are, but I’m sure everywhere has its cons, so whatever. But what I do know is that once you’re on in Detroit, people will act as if they were with you the entire time.

You have a young son who isn’t shy at all on stage or in public. Do you envision him having a career in the arts?
My son is my literal sunshine. He’s amazing. He wants to be a police officer, do music, and be in commercials and on TV. He wants a YouTube channel, and he wants to be Spider-Man. I’m not sure of what he’s going to do, but he’s a brilliant creative and I just want him to choose something that makes him happy. I can see him doing everything.

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