Cell phones and marijuana are causing thousands of people to die. According to a report by Governors Highway Safety Association, nearly 6,000 pedestrians have died in the past two years.
The increase of pedestrian deaths are mostly being contributed to cell phone use and marijuana, the report claims. People are not paying attention when they text or use their cell phones while walking. Since 2010, there has been a 236 percent increase in cell phone related emergency room visits.
Cell phones have become an essential part of modern life. With apps, music, photos, videos, news, and even movies available in the palm of our hands, it’s easy to become distracted long enough to become seriously injured.
The legalization of marijuana has also coincided with an increase in pedestrian deaths. For instance, there has been a 16 percent increase in pedestrian deaths following the legalization of marijuana in Washington, D.C. That increase was the largest in 34 years.
Marijuana-impairment is now being viewed as a serious threat along with pedestrian who are intoxicated while walking.
Although more studies need to be done on the affects of cell phone use and marijuana, the report reveals how a generation is becoming so dependent on technology that it’s causing injury and fatalities.