Are you using technology and innovation for the betterment of our society?

Are you using technology and innovation for the betterment of our society?
L to R: Munson and Christina Steed with St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter (Photo by Steed Media Service)

Technology continues to aid human communication, recording our lives with each other and adding meaning.

Most of us use technology to record who we are, how we perceive ourselves and where our interests are. Unfortunately, these images can then be used as sales tactics to further our consumption. In this way, while technology can be a great tool when used to enhance our lives and the lives of others, it has become a way of archiving personal data, leaving a trail behind all of us.

Sadly, that trail is being used to shape our minds and thus our futures, as data goes to “mines” that are constantly dissecting our minds and perceived needs.

At some point, as the technology and mines are studying us, we must begin to study the technology and mines, and the impact on us. As we studied astrology and effects of other sciences, we must get better at understanding the impact technology has on us. We must understand the system and the language and soon control it so it can better help us in more advanced ways — beyond consumption. For example. If you read/study great books and the ideas of top philosophers, is there some way that data can be accessed through technology? Moreover, if you read 10 newspapers and encounter the work of 10 to 12 major contributors to society, can technology further the experience with more direct results to enhance who you are?

I suppose this also points to an issue about what is being created and how what has already been created is being used. Are we creating those things that inspire others to be great? Are we inspiring greatness in any real way?

Do we call on technology to provide us a perspective of ourselves? Are we studying artificial intelligence so that we can understand how it is utilized? Are we utilizing and training ourselves so that we understand that we must put ourselves out of a job before technology does?

There are other ways to consider technology and the negative impact it’s had on the human experience. As we struggle to understand how technology can advance our lives, it’s left many workers without direction, as their jobs are outdated and overtaken by technological advancements. Within the criminal justice system, technology is being used as hard evidence of criminality, but it seldom presents a whole picture related to guilt or innocence and degree. Further, it seems technological evidence within the criminal justice system only works to protect certain groups.

Technology’s call must have a purpose. Technology should provide solutions, uplift and have us giving more love, more compassion and more care.

The calling inside us as we use technology should not be too corrupt in minds of others; it should not leave a data trail that is soiled nor should we find ourselves lost in technological dependency looking into the lives of others versus creating something great with technology to the betterment of our society.

The innovative mind and technology can help humanity forge a relationship with itself that preserves the planet, increases health, eliminates poverty and calls upon us to understand those who have the vision that can save us all.

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