Ramona DeBreaux is the exemplification of a sister with superpowers. During the day, she’s a radio personality for Atlanta’s V-103; after work hours, she’s a wife and mommy.
As a Black woman, what do you consider your superpower to be?
Well, my husband often teases me and brags about me being the superwoman who will nurse and cuddle the baby, talk to a million people on the radio, write, shoot and host a TV commercial, come home and assemble the furniture, wire the light fixtures, and then cook dinner.
Why is it important for women of color to lead or work in decision-making capacities?
I believe we have a great capacity to love and nurture because of our extreme social positioning. Meaning, we look out for and watch over and pray for our mates and our families all while running corporations. We are the ultimate multitaskers, but it is this skill culminated with compassion and faith that makes us excellent leaders
If you could thank any Black woman historymaker for her contributions to society, who would it be and why?
I would thank Harriet Tubman because she had a God mission. With a bounty on her head, she trekked for miles through dangerous terrain, all while managing our people who sometimes became weary and lost hope. She did it with a network of White and Black people. I would love to have asked her, in such times, how she was able to formulate powerful alliances.
Why is it important for experienced Black women to reach back and help younger women of color?
Because we are all here to make each other better. It would be disrespectful to the women who taught me and shared with me, to not hand the tools to another.
What are three habits for success you implement in your daily routine to maintain your success, sanity or peace of mind?
1. My husband and I pray daily for guidance … and the ability to see [God’s] direction clearly.
2. When I have a lot of tasks in front of me I jump in. I know procrastination kills dreams, so I try to eliminate distractions and stay laser focused.
3. I have to arrive early everywhere. I was taught that if you are on time you are late. period.
As a successful woman in business, what is your greatest or proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement is the next one! I keep setting new goals. But if I could choose, I would say that even though it’s strange hearing my own voice on commercials or seeing myself on shows, I do feel that it [is] cool. I also love that I finished my first script that is casting now.