Sybil Ingram finds her passion in throwing events for the LGBTQ community

Sybil Ingram finds her passion in throwing events for the LGBTQ community
Sybil Ingram (Photo courtesy of Thai Ra of Exposed Photography)

Hailing from Atlanta, Sybil Ingram, also known as Sybil TwoScore, is a woman with a mission. She has been planning and hosting exclusive feminine events since 2012 and is the founder of Wom’n 2 Woman Presents. Since then, she has created various experiences that include Dinner and Dialogue, #GLU (Gyrls Like Us) and most recently, her comedy show Inappropriate Behavior.

Sybil hosts her events in Charlotte, North Carolina; Columbia, South Carolin; Atlanta; and August, Georgia. Unsurprisingly, such a business model allows women of all colors and creeds to attend her functions.

How would define your personal brand?

Wom’n 2 Woman presents has established itself as a premier host of mature exclusive feminine functions committed to positively impacting and enriching the lives of women especially those within the LGBTQ community. We create relevant and engaging events to promote and restore the beauty of sisterhood purposefully and intentionally.

What was the driving force behind creating the “Inappropriate Behavior” comedy show?

The LGBTQ community has been under attack for quite some time and even though we have a voice in local and national platforms, both positive and negative, I wanted to create a safe space where we can all (LGBTQ and our allies) can sit back and laugh. The lineup is ALL gay and lesbian which in itself creates a safe space to laugh at jokes and comedy by us, for us without having to feel uncomfortable.

What makes this show stand out over other comedy shows?

This is a comedy show with the LGBTQ community in mind. An all gay and lesbian lineup; By us, For Us (and our allies). Charlotte’s first all-gay comedy show. My second time hosting a comedy show in the QC but my first all-gay. I’m extremely proud of this one because of that. It’s inclusive and intentional! And a portion of the proceeds will benefit Charlotte Black Pride as we kick off Pride celebrations worldwide.

Do you plan on taking the show on the road? If so, which cities?

I would love to do that. In fact, my host Julie Osborne and I have talked about it a lot since our first show together in January 2016. I’d like to take it from NC to SC and Atlanta of course and maybe even the DMV. We’ll see though.

What was your first experience like?

Scary, I had just moved to Columbia SC and didn’t know anyone. With my partners’ support, I launched my first event, A Dinner Diversion with 20 people. Most of them she introduced me to. It was my way of meeting new people, building my brand and becoming a staple in the community.

Best in the city – where’s the best place to:


Seafood Connection in Charlotte, I’ve had a taste for crab legs for a while and theirs are the best I’ve had.

Drink cocktails:

I don’t drink, but I would say Sydney’s Martini and Wine Bar, Downtown Charlotte I will meet friends there and have my Cranberry juice with Lime; I’m usually the designated driver, too.

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