One talk show host vs. another talk show host. Sharon Osbourne of “The Talk” basically called Wendy Williams out as an ungrateful hypocrite after Williams said that Christie Brinkley faked her broken arm to get out of “Dancing With the Stars” recently.
Brinkley, 65, reportedly shattered her wrist when she fell during one of the dance routines at rehearsal and had to have her daughter substitute for her.
Osbourne, the wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne, inquired as to why Williams is so “dark inside” that she continues to slash at people.
“I have to go in on Wendy on this, because not so long ago Wendy was not in a very good place,” Osbourne began, referring to Williams’ forced confession to viewers in March that she was living in a sober house. “And she had well wishes from so many people that she had, you know, run over the coals, so to speak. And everyone was out there wishing her well, sending her positive vibes.
“And why is it, no matter what this woman goes though in her life, her ups and downs, which we all do, but obviously hers are more public, and you know she’s a 55-year-old woman that relapsed again on drugs and the thing is, nobody gave her a hard time.”