There’s never been a better time for parents to focus on the quality of schools

There's never been a better time for parents to focus on the quality of schools
Photo provided by Better Outcomes for Our Kids

When you’re a parent thinking about what’s best for your child, I can only imagine the fear and anger one must have when watching the conversation happening between the Atlanta Board of Education and the current superintendent. After you shed yourself of those concerns, what you should realize more than ever before, is that it’s ultimately up to you to navigate your child’s educational future. Our children need a strong leader for our growing and diverse Atlanta Public Schools system. But with that decision being completely out of parents’ hands, one must focus on the things that can be controlled.

We believe this work includes inspiring parental engagement, empowering community leaders, activating praying pastors, and supporting capable and committed teachers. With or without a superintendent, these critical stakeholders must become and remain engaged in the process. Now if you believe this level of stakeholder synergy and engagement is critical for our children’s educational future, then you should now have a clear understanding of the work of Better Outcomes for OUR Kids (BOOK).

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