We know what the statistics say. Marriage rates are low while the divorce rate is high. Even if you ignore the statistics, you wouldn’t have to look very far on any social media platform before you’ll see explanations behind this discrepancy in the Black community. Because, although we smile fondly at images of Barack and Michelle Obama and aspire to have the business relationship of Beyoncé and Jay-Z, many of us can’t seem to create that type of synergy in our own relationships.
Black men and Black women are often on polarizing sides of the relationship conversation, with both sides crying victim on social media. Sol Aponte and Jennia Fredrique-Aponte, creators of Revolt’s popular documentary series, “Anatomy of Black Love,” want to change the narrative in the Black community when it comes to the importance of a happy and healthy relationship. Rolling out asked the fashion-forward married couple for their take on how couples can help change the negative narrative on relationships in our community.
How can the Black couples change the narrative on Black love so that more singles will let their guard down and embrace the idea of a healthy relationship?
Fredrique-Aponte: I think it is in our nature to love and want to be loved. Our work is to discern and educate ourselves on what works best for each of us. The term equally yoked should not be taken lightly.
Aponte: Changing the narrative takes action: action on the part of anyone wanting to see that change. In order to attract a healthy relationship, a person has to first begin with loving themselves…period. Next, a person has to be honest with themselves, about themselves. Oftentimes we think we show up in ways that we don’t. Be honest about the feedback you’ve received from prior relationships and own your own -ish. When you are honest about who you’ve been, you can work on being the person you’d want to attract.
For more information on “Anatomy of Black Love” visit www.revolt.com.