What Cardi B demanded during chat with Joe Biden (video)

What Cardi B demanded during chat with Joe Biden (video)
Joe Biden (Photo credit: Shutterstock.com / lev radin)

Cardi B made several requests and demands of presidential candidate Joe Biden that were aired on the day the Democrats fired up their virtual national convention on Monday, Aug. 17, 2020.

Elle magazine facilitated the Zoom video chat between Cardi, 27, and Biden, 77, which included topics ranging from the novel coronavirus pandemic to police brutality to racial injustice.

With her customary demonstrative personality on full display, Cardi B got straight to the point with the presumptive Democratic nominee.

“I have a whole list of things that I want, and I wish, and I desire our next president to root for us,” Cardi said before going after the current White House occupant.

“But first and first, I just want Trump out. … I don’t want to be lied to. We’re dealing with a pandemic right now, right? And I just want answers. I want to know when this is over; I want to go back to my job, I want to be able to go outside, I want to not feel like I’m trapped in my home. But I don’t want somebody to lie to me and tell me that it’s OK to go outside, it’s OK not to wear a mask…I want a timeline of when things are going to get better. I want a president to tell me what are the steps for us to get better.”

Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar was just getting started. Her other demands of Biden included “stricter laws that are fair to Black citizens and fair to cops, too.” She added: “I want Black people to stop getting killed and no justice for it. I’m tired of it.”

More specifically, Cardi demanded that cops who kill “somebody who doesn’t have a weapon on them, you go to jail. You know what? If I kill somebody, I’ve got to go to jail. You gotta go to jail, too. That’s what I want,” Cardi said.

The rapper’s wide-ranging exchange with Biden also included her thoughts about Medicare, higher education, child care for families and voting.

Check out Cardi’s discussion with Biden in full below.

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