Rapper Sean Kingston (Picture by: Splash News)
Sean Kingston recently aired his sexual proclivities publicly, but perhaps he should have kept private.
The Jamaican-American singer and rapper, who was born in Miami as Kisean Paul Anderson, visited Angela Yee’s “Lip Service” podcast where the 31-year-old admitted that he has a 10-woman rotation and never uses a condom with any of them.
“Lip Service” is famous for getting celebs to speak frankly about their dating history and sexual preferences. Kingston fell right in line and regaled the three women hosts on some of his sexual adventures from yesteryear.
“I ain’t gon’ lie, I did some s— where she was upstairs and I was f—— another girl downstairs. But she made me so mad to [that] point–and that’s the only time I ever cheated in a relationship, ’cause I don’t cheat. But she made it so bad–she hacked my iCloud, she hacked my f—— Instagram, she hacked all type[s] of s—, bro. Like imagine…”
Interesting word usage by Kingston when you consider that the “Fire Burning” rapper later admitted in the show that he has a sizable rotation of women orbiting his bedroom on a regular basis.
“I got 10 girls that I keep rotating,” Kingston told the hosts. “That’s not bad though; these girls known me for two to three years.”
Furthermore, Kingston admitted on “Lip Service” he doesn’t bother with protection with any of them.
“I’mma keep it G with you dog, I definitely don’t f— with condoms.”
Kingston is drawing comparisons to Nick Cannon who reportedly welcomed his fourth child from three different women in the past 12 months alone and is expecting his seventh soon.