Friend of Floyd Mayweather dies at boxer’s condo

The former standout football player met a tragic end
Friend of Floyd Mayweather dies at boxer's condo
Floyd Mayweather (Image source: Instagram – @FloydMayweather)

A friend of Floyd Mayweather, who is also a relative of the Money Team boss’ girlfriend Jamie Lynn, has reportedly died by suicide inside the boxing legend’s home.

Jarrett Johnson, a 24-year-old former football standout, reportedly killed himself in one of Mayweather’s condos, according to TMZ. Johnson’s body was discovered by a friend on the afternoon of Aug. 22, 2022. The unidentified friend called the police but first responders were unable to revive Johnson.

Johnson’s exact relationship to Lynn is not known at this time, nor is it known whether Johnson was living at Mayweather’s condo, one of the many properties that the boxer owns around the metro area.

Mayweather is reportedly distraught over the news. The two have been seen in photos traveling around the country together attending sporting events and concerts.

Friends and family members have flooded social media to convey their shock and offer condolences.

If you or someone you needs help, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

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