Star Jones talked about several of her successes and how she accomplished them at the Greater Houston Black Chamber’s first of four Women’s Initiative programs with chair of the board, Courtney Johnson Rose. Jones is known for her time on “The View.” She was a contestant on the fourth season of “Celebrity Apprentice.” Jones is the president of the National Association of Professional Women, which benefits the National Heart Association. She is a national volunteer for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
She said her business style is to keep recreating and make sure when opportunity meets preparation, you are ready to stand in its face. It is really important to have the skill set necessary to explore different options. Once you establish your niche, don’t be afraid to be aggressive in going after what you want. The best advice she ever received was from Oprah Winfrey, years ago. She recalls saying to Winfrey that sometimes she’s shy about going after what she wants and Winfrey told her, “You stand in the space that God has created and don’t worry about anything else” and it has really stuck with her.
She does not use the term “changing,” rather she uses “adapting.” Her first adaptation was when she got fired from “The View.” She stated that Barbara Walters told her she did not get fired but her contract was not renewed. Jones said at the end of the day, she did not have a job. It was a painful experience dealing with media and outside forces. She called Judy Smith, the real-life Olivia Pope. Star said Smith asked her, 10 years from now how do you want to be perceived? As you adapt through this process, it will be 10 years. She thought about it overnight. In 10 years, she wanted to be able to walk in a room of professional women and have them respect the choices she made and be proud of the choices. Smith told her that if that’s what she wants, she should take control of her narrative now.
Star Jones has written three books: You Have to Stand for Something, or You’ll Fall for Anything, Shine: A Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Journey to Finding Love and Satan’s Sisters. It was announced that VH-1 purchased Satan’s Sisters and it will become a television series. Jones will be one of the producers.