

How to understand a panic attack

Panic attacks can be incredibly frightening experiences. They come on suddenly, leaving you feeling overwhelmed by intense fear and a cascade of physical symptoms. If


Letting go of fears meditation

Come join us at  “Releasing Fear,” a powerful meditation session brought to you by RollingOut Universe. This meditation aims to cultivate a sense of courage

Wyn Starks

Why Wyn Starks was held back by fear

Wyn Starks has let fear get in the way of his ambition “too many times.” The former “America’s Got Talent” hopeful’s latest single, “Run“ – which

Why many people are afraid of LGBTQ+ people

Have you ever pondered why some individuals harbor fear toward LGBTQ+ people? It’s a question that delves into a web of societal norms, personal beliefs

7 sad truths behind those throwback photos

Browsing through the meticulously arranged squares of social media, we are frequently inundated with nostalgic “throwback” photographs that stir within us a yearning for simpler,

Daily affirmations: 7 days of motivation

When making affirmations, we assume a new attitude. We take actionable steps to grow and renew ourselves from the inside out by finding prizes to

Eric Garner, Negrophobia and tax-funded hate crimes

What happened to Eric Garner is indicative of what happens to many black people–particularly black males, but not exclusively–when interacting with law enforcement. More tellingly, it’s indicative of a deeper cultural and societal issue–one that is rooted in white supremacy and is part of the very fabric of the western world