Nicki Minaj Responds to President Obama’s Romney Rap Comments

Nicki Minaj Responds to President Obama's Romney Rap Comments

Controversy is something that seems to go hand-in-hand with rap queen Nicki Minaj, and she got it in spades last week when a new track from Lil Wayne’s Dedication 4 mixtape showcased Minaj endorsing a vote for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The jaw-dropping line drew criticism and death threats for the off-the-wall rapper and even a response from President Barack Obama himself. And now Minaj has responded to President Obama and is finally clearing up any misconceptions about her explosive lyric.

Earlier this week, President Obama weighed in on the controversy, telling Orlando radio station Power 953 that he didn’t think Minaj’s rap came from her, but one of her many alter egos.

“I’m not sure that’s actually what happened,” Obama explained, when asked if he’d heard that Minaj might vote for Romney. “I think she had a song on there, a little rap that said that, but she likes to play different characters. So I don’t know what’s going on there.”

Well, apparently President Obama hit the nail on the head and Minaj took to Twitter on Monday, Sept. 10, to thank Obama for understanding her sense of humor.

“Ha! Thank you for understanding my creative humor & sarcasm Mr. President, the smart ones always do… *sends love & support*” Minaj wrote.

Minaj also gushed about getting some attention from the Commander In Chief.

“Awesome! Now I can tell my grandchildren that the 1st black President of the United States took the time to address a Nicki Minaj question,” said Minaj.

“Thanks haters!” she added, “Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo. #BarbzWinAgainahahhahaahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Well, it’s clear that Minaj won’t be voting for Romney and that she’ll be throwing her megaton weight behind President Obama. And she’s not the only fan of Obama. Check out some more of his hip-hop fans below. – nicholas robinson

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