Beyoncé and others achieving true independence, collectively

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J. Cole, Gabby Douglas, Frank Ocean, Necole Bitchie, Soledad O’Brien, Rev. Al Sharpton, President Barack Obama, Dwyane Wade, Beyoncé and YOU!

On the 4th of July, fireworks will start the day and celebrities will speak of Independence and what it means to be sure. The African American community will have to look inside and endure. Our independence has become dependent on things that don’t hold true. The fact is we are celebrating as a united country, but a deeper look may show two. Two disparate countries that don’t treat each other as equals to this day.

We celebrate as if we are equal when we are advancing, but are not equal in opportunity or pay. We respect and pledge our lives to Thee. We are not creators of Jihads or movements against the country. Laws have been passed that clearly affect how a brother moves everyday. For those who rap and sing about slinging, selling or smoking dope, it can affect you and other brothers in a significant way. There are movies that talk about and display the tragedies at hand.

We understand exactly what is happening when we read Gideon’s promises and the stories that it says for every man. Many young brothers become felons because they cannot get out of jail. Let them listen to rap songs, disastrous lies and tales. Young brothers are caught in the motion of having to plead guilty because they don’t have money for a lawyer or bail. It’s the only way they are set free, they say.

We all love and respect Beyoncé onstage. She has things that we all appreciate to this day. We know what she means and we understand what it brings. But, is that independence for you and me today? She must be the example for some to see independence and what it is to hold and have a business that’s true.

Is it independently thinking that you won’t destroy your brother or sister today? Or destroy the image of African Americans when you act recklessly or ratchetly as they say. Independence is a wonderful day and fireworks go off in our heads. But typically when our community hears “pop” and “boom,” it means somebody’s dead.

It’s collective thinking that advances our call and brings meaning to the things that we say aloud. When James Brown sang “Say it loud. I’m black and I’m proud,” we didn’t have to wonder why he said it. Now I am not certain we remember the lyrics to this song and that we are independently proud. Collectively, let us all get in step so that we can move in a level of respect to understand what independence should do.

Independently, intellectually challenging and competing against all those who come our way independently thinking that collectively we’re linked in a valuable and indispensable way.

So, on the 4th of July, we celebrate with loud, speaker boxes. We have picnics and eat. Let it not be that what you consume will affect your heart, add to high blood pressure and obesity too. For all those things we see, here are a few who have helped us on the way to independence. The African American community progressing and independently understanding that we are linked and understand that we should be all that we think we are to accomplish and really inspire others to say how great our community is as they celebrate with us.

It’s not about a song of independence, but let us understand, collectively, how to elevate our community on this Independence Day all day long.

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