Master Cleanse Diet caused hallucinations for Gwyneth Paltrow


Ashanti used the Master Cleanse Diet to prep for her role in Resident Evil
Ashanti used the Master Cleanse Diet to prep for her role in Resident Evil

While Gwyneth Paltrow is known for having the physique of a 20-something at the age of 40, she doesn’t credit many hours in the gym. The actor believes in the right amount of balance in diet, exercise and the things you enjoy will give you a great body and allow you to be healthy.

“I’ve done juice cleanses in the past, and in my 20s I did the Master Cleanse, which left me hallucinating after 10 days,” she revealed. “Be aware: a juice detox can crash your metabolism and lead to future weight gain.”

Paltrow now sticks to a strict raw food diet when preparing for movie roles and occasionally the ‘Elimination Diet.”  Paltrow bans husband Chris Martin and their children, Apple and Moses, from consuming coffee, dairy, alcohol, sugar, shellfish, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, wheat, meat, soy or anything processed.

View other celebs that have used the Master Cleanse diet to drop weight.

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