Penis ‘pumping party’ killing men (Warning: Graphic photos)

Kasia Rivera killed a 22-year-old "patient" by injecting his penis with silicone
Kasia Rivera killed  22-year-old Justin Street by injecting his penis with silicone

There have been many stories in the news regarding butt injections and the “pumping party” culture of butt enhancement. But now news is coming out that black men are dying from penis pumping parties.

A “pumping party” is an illegal practice that consists of a person injecting non-surgical silicone, often found in tire polish and Fix-A-Flat, into an individual’s buttocks and now into men’s penises. In both instances the idea is to make the body part look bigger. This practice is common among many transgender individuals and exotic dancers as these individuals seek a Nicki Minaj-style booty.

Justin Street, a 22-year-old black male, wanted work done on his penis. Somehow he connected with Kasia Rivera, who advertised at stores and bars. Rivera was not a licensed professional and injected a silicone substance into Street’s penis. This injection killed street and Rivera was charged with manslaughter. Street’s mother told his story in hopes that other victims would come forward. Some men may not be seeking treatment out of embarrassment or shame.

Following is a photo gallery of individuals who have undergone silicone enhancement.  WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS

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