Mutant rat tries to eat family cat and terrorizes house

Mutant rat tries to eat family cat and terrorizes house
Mutant rat tries to eat family cat and terrorizes house

At first the family of Erik Bengtsson-Korsås in Stockholm, Sweden thought they had a field mouse problem. There were chewed on cereal boxes and evidence of a rodent chewing on a water pipe. But when they started to notice more damage, like the water pipe with severe damage that caused a flood, they knew there was more than a mouse problem. So they put the family cat on duty to try to hunt the animal down. It was when the cat refused to go into the kitchen willingly and was chased by a 2 foot long rat that the puzzle was solved.

This rat was so bold it came out during family time, like it was a part of the household causing the family to run and scream in terror.  Bengtsson-Korsås called an exterminator who put down large traps for the animal and it was ultimately caught. But the animal was so big, the trap could not kill it and it ran around the house with the device around its neck. It was only when it tried to get through a small area that it became trapped and choked itself.

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