To cap off a full weekend of events for the 60-year commemoration of Emmett Till’s death, a special service was held at Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ, the location of where the teenager’s open casket funeral was held. The purpose of the service was to welcome families from across the country who’ve suffered the traumatic experience of unjust, racially motivated murders of their loved ones. The families of Sandra Bland, Kendrick Johnson, Oscar Grant and Amadou Diallo were present. The spirit of the event was joyous and served as an opportunity for individuals who have been part of this struggle for many years to be recognized.

Thelma Wright, the daughter of Mose Wright,Till’s uncle, was recognized for her contributions and awarded with a plaque during the service. Till was snatched from the home of his uncle when he was murdered 60 years ago in Mississippi. These recognitions served as a reminder of all the work that has been done and all the work that still needs to be done when it comes to African Americans achieving equal justice in America.
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