“The Real” talk show host and comedian Loni Love shared her diet detox journey on the “Dr. Oz” show. She revealed how she pushed through the detox and what others can do to remain healthy.
On how she survived her detox, Love states: “It’s been a journey. I’m still on the detox, but, Dr. Oz, it’s a wonderful journey. First of all, I was feeling sluggish. I wasn’t feeling like myself and I just decided, you know what? I’m going to do something different. I’m going to challenge myself. Also, I think my relationship with food was like a relationship with a man: I was taking advantage of it and I needed to do something about it and that’s why I went on the detox.”
On the turning point on when she knew she needed to start living healthy, Love explains: “One day, I was on the airplane and the flight attendant came with a seatbelt extender, and I was like, I don’t need an extender, but he handed it to the guy next to me and we barely could fit on that plane. I said, you know what? It’s time for me to do something. I’ve got to fly on planes, because I’ve got to travel so I said, you know what? This is it. I’m going to try something different and that’s why I decided to go ahead and do the detox. So far, I’ve lost 15 pounds and one dress size.”
Providing personal tips on the only detox you’ll ever need, Love reveals: “The whole core of it is for four days. Four days of raw fruits and vegetables. Go to the store, load up on whatever you like to eat as long as it’s raw. That’s it. Make sure you drink a lot of water. Now I know for some people drinking water is not great — some people don’t like the taste of it. So what I would tell them to do is drink water only, but if you just want to add a little spice to it, you know, I add a little vodka to mine. But when you’re detoxing, you don’t do that. Add some fruit. Add some mint, some lemons, and things like that to the water.”
On how she keeps the detox fun and doable, Love shares: “For me, I like crunch. You need to listen to your body if you’re going to do a detox. For me, I like to have a crunch, so for a cheat day, I decided to do a high protein type of meal that also represented something like a taco or a burrito, so I did the tofu lettuce wrap.”