‘Love & Hip Hop’s’ Cardi B instigates; Yandy loses

Cardi B- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 WEBSITE
Cardi B- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 WEBSITE

There is never a dull moment on “Love & Hip Hop.” The NYC cast definitely has the new fan favorite with Cardi B instigating and entertaining and giving “the people” known as the viewers exactly what they turned on their television to see. If you tuned in to last night’s episode you would have noticed the return of Mariah Lyn and some newcomers from last season.

Cardi B is the girlfriend you take with you when you want to confront an ex about his current situation but you don’t want it to look like it’s coming from you. Just take little Ms Instigating Cardi B with you to ask all the questions. When producer Drew Ski confronted Yandy’s artist Bianca in front of his current girlfriend and said they didn’t know each other, it was Cardi B who felt the need to remind him of how well he actually knew Bianca and remind his present girlfriend that he actually may have remembered how much he liked chocolate. I don’t know if Bianca was wrong for letting his girlfriend know they had kissed multiple times (of course I know that was absolutely wrong); perhaps the timing was just bad.

BIANCA- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 WEBSITE
BIANCA- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 WEBSITE
Mariahlynn- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 WEBSITE
Mariahlynn- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 WEBSITE

However, Drew Ski’s girlfriend witnessed her man flirting with Bianca right in front of her face and propositioning her to be on a song he produced. She even asked him why he was leading Bianca on. He actually never answered the question. I about died when Cardi B reminded Drew Ski of why she didn’t deal with White men: because they are messier than Black men. I don’t know if at this point Cardi B was the one being disrespectful or Drew Ski. Speaking of being disrespectful, we aren’t going to forget to mention that “Snoop from ‘The Wire'” actually could have been way more disrespectful to her new girlfriend Jay (who left her child and family behind to develop her relationship with “Snoop from ‘The Wire,'” but she is actually the one feeling quite disrespected watching her girlfriend Felicia “Snoop” Pearson lust over Sophi Green during the strawberry podcast. She was introducing her sex toy line too and referred the incident to an innocent flirt. Somehow she felt the voice of reason was going to her homeboy rap artist Julez Santana. Actually he did offer her some sound advice to “not bring any strawberries around him.”  I’m quite sure the strawberries didn’t come with the sex toy. Snoop you may have just taken things too far trying to sell your product.

Judy Harris- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 Website
Judy Harris- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 Website
Kim Wallace - Courtesy of Vh1 Website
Kim Wallace- Photo Courtesy of Vh1 Website

Now let’s hop over to Yandy Smith. Seems like it was The People vs Yandy Smith. A couple of things were wrong with the entire situation. Mendecees’ mom Judy went to confide in Yandy about some drama that was going on. When did Yandy Smith and Judy become friends? Should Yandy have consulted little Mendecees’ biological mom about taking him to the jail? Maybe not if her husband told her to bring him.

If you feel differently about the way Yandy is handling things, please tell me why in the comments. Yandy was empowered by Mendecees to pretty much make the decisions when he wasn’t locked up, so I can understand her feeling like everything should be business as usual with her making the same decisions she has been making all along.

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