Entertainment strategist Rachel S. Jackson is focused and crazy in love

Rachel S. Jackson, The R Jackson Agency (Photo credit: Anthony Rundles Jr.)

Entertainment strategist Rachel S. Jackson never dreamed of being a consultant. However, it is evident from her bubbly personality and ability to connect with people that she is in the right field of work. In between taking calls at the R. Jackson Agency, rolling out was able to ask Jackson a few questions on how to stay focused and crazy in love with self and job.

How did you arrive at this career choice? Was it a deliberate decision or a gradual and natural evolution?
During my matriculation at Clark Atlanta University, I never said “I want to be an Entertainment Strategist” and if anyone would have asked me what that meant, I more thank likely would have made up an answer that isn’t even remotely close to what I currently do on a daily basis.

Being “Rachel S. Jackson” was definitely a natural evolution that occurred right under my nose without me knowing exactly where each opportunity I was granted would carry me. I’ve always been the person avid about “connecting-the-dots” that possessed a passion for figuring out processes and streamlining confusion to help others; as if life is my chess board  — so after music/entertainment fell into my lap in my teen years, I grew into a person many notable people came to for various strategies to reach goals they felt I had a vested expertise in. To this day, I’m amazed at the types of phone calls, text messages and emails I get! Each day is a new opportunity for me to rise to a different occasion that positions my Agency to assist in someone’s success, which in turn gratifies what I believe to be my purpose.

For those considering entering this arena, what skill sets do you recommend mastering? What traits are most conducive to success?
In any and all things, focus is essential. Not the “I’ll work on this during the day, then party, go to sleep, wake up and do the same thing the next day” or the “I’m going to stay up all night and get this done” routine. You need that serious almost insane focus you can read about Albert Einstein having, that carried into his everyday life. This unique focus includes nothing but your goals, the work you put in to realize them and a sprinkle of laughter!

For success to be realized we have to support ourselves by doing only what supports, sharpens and synthesizes our goals into what we consider success without doing too much or too little of this or that “thing”.

The word speaks for itself. You have to possess a great amount of “get-up-and-go”… especially on days when “NO” seems to be your first name; directly or indirectly.

How do you stay at the leading edge of your craft?
Reading blogs and magazines keep me all types of ahead. [laughs]. From politics, tech and knowing what companies went public this week on Wall Street all the way to Fashion and simple at-home beauty hacks that will save me money each month. I read a super broad spectrum. Without really trying super hard, it turns my brain into a universal sponge that is able to squeeze out something that intellectually positions me as the girl that stands out, daily.

How do you map out your goals? How do you measure your success?
I write everything down. There’s something so legally binding about reading my own handwriting! I even create daily checklists by listing, drawing boxes next to what I wrote and checking it off after completing the task. Looking back on a full list of check marks is BEYOND an ego stroke for me.

To measure my success, I do a handful of random things. To name one I find myself doing: I’ll watch something that gives me a mental break… (as in any given reality TV show), pour myself a glass of wine, laugh a little and just zone out during commercial breaks. While I’m in that meditative space, I reflect on what I’ve done, what I could have done differently and what’s up next.

Who do you consider your peers in your field?
My peer group consists of each and every 20-something risk-taker anywhere in the world that’s crazy enough to consider entrepreneurship.

Name three books, works, performances or exhibits that changed how you view life and/or yourself.
In literature, “The Fred Factor” by Mark Sanborn. Dance, “Revelations” performed by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and in music, Gangsta B—- Vol. 1 by Cardi B.

What affirmations do you repeat to yourself that contribute to your success?
My favorite one, yet simple: “Carpe Diem”. It’s tattooed on me. Another I’ve carried with me since middle school: “Most people do what is required, successful people do more.” and the realest one I repeat to myself often is “Keep it cute.” It keeps me on the right track, no matter the situation.

What software, app or other technological innovation has made the biggest difference in your life and/or career?
This may come off cliché, but I am eternally grateful for my iPhone. It enables me to multitask on a fast track and is a clutch team mate if my MacBook dies. It’s elevated my ability to manage tasks and delegate; because of it, I am a master of omnipresence. I’ll also never miss a meeting, birthday, sporting event or a flight with this thing – to say the least!

What is your favorite vacation destination and why?
South Africa, hands down. It is a place filled with great food, thorough African American history and amazing vibes! If I could, I’d take everyone I know there, mainly to visit the Nelson Mandela museum in Soweto. I will never forget reading, “Humanity was born in Africa. All people, ultimately, are African …” as I approached the entrance. Iconic.

What does it take to be iconic? In your estimation, who has achieved that status?
When I think “iconic,” our first lady, Michelle Obama is the only person that comes to mind. In my opinion, to be that word, you have to embody her timelessness, poise, class and grace while keeping things 100 percent authentic to the person you are and the people you represent.

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