Jean Noisette of Dazzle Me Parties loves to uplift women

Photo Cred: Kalvin Reeves

Photo credit: Kalvin Reeves

Chasing your dreams involves hard work, dedication, and consistency in your plans — the qualities Jean Noisette exhibited while chasing her dream of becoming a successful business owner. The serial entrepreneur took her expertise in party planning and mixed it with her love for women’s empowerment to create the successful Atlanta business, Dazzle Me Parties. Noisette’s parties are not only making noise for their upscale look, but also for the mission behind the fun. Noisette shares her story and lends advice to those who want to build a brand with meaning

What’s a normal day like for you?

In all honesty, when you are in business for yourself there truly isn’t a normal day but I will admit my days are long and at times a bit hectic. Dazzle Me Parties is open seven days a week from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and my duties change from day-to-day. This includes evaluating weekly sales goals, targeting partnership and branding opportunities, answering emails, returning phone calls, creating work schedules, staying up-to-date with social media and preparing for dazzling events, while trying to equally balance the demands of both my family and career!

You’ve received attention from big companies such as VH1. As an entrepreneur, what was your initial reason for starting the concept Dazzle Me Parties and how does your brand differ from others?

I have always felt compelled to create an environment for young women to feel beautiful stemming from the inside out. I knew it was important to encourage and teach legions of young women the importance of possessing both beauty and brains in a fun-filled way. Our Dazzle Me Dolls, who range in age from 9-17, play a vital role in serving as role models for our young partygoers and help us perfectly illustrate the overall mission of Dazzle Me Parties.

Your mission is to empower young ladies to feel fabulous, fearless, and fierce! What would you say are three things young women today don’t hear enough?

Unfortunately, we live in an age of instant gratification. It saddens me when people, especially young women, forfeit pursuing their dreams and achieving their goals because they aren’t experiencing immediate results, but “nothing worth having comes easy.” Although it seems cliche, the three things I believe young women today do not hear enough is, never give up, love yourself and treat others how you want to be treated.

It’s important to keep in mind, that we all experience some type of adversity in our lives but making the impossible, possible requires you to remain steadfast and determined, despite the challenges that may come your way.

As a business owner, what are some obstacles you’ve faced before opening Dazzle Me Parties?

A particular obstacle that I’m currently [still ] learning to overcome is accepting assistance instead of trying to accomplish everything on my own. It’s a gift to have others who are willing to lend a helping hand when needed because it will alleviate the stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. Trust me, you can’t do it all on your own! Building a solid team is vital to the success of your brand.

Another obstacle that I faced before opening Dazzle Me Parties was being able to manage my time effectively. Mastering the balancing act of business, family and me time, proved difficult. I’ve finally come to the realization that I have to make sacrifices and I’ve learned to accept this fact.

What are three lessons that no one tells you about operating a business?

There are many lessons that no one tells you about when operating a business. For instance, it takes at least two years for most businesses specifically small businesses to break-even or witness a profit in sales.

Secondly, taking the time to develop a proper business plan will definitely help you successfully execute your vision and the mission of your business. Sometimes we become excited about an awesome idea that we have and jump into it head first, without properly preparing.

Lastly, we often see and hear about the glitz and glam but we fail to mention the REAL! There will be highs and lows on your road to success such as sleepless nights, discouraging thoughts, failures and the list goes on. It takes more blood, sweat and tears than you can ever imagine!

What are three tips you could give millennials trying to break into entrepreneurship?

Three tips I would give to millennials trying to break into entrepreneurship include:

Don’t fear competition because there is enough room for everyone to grow and succeed! The reality is that competition pushes us to be our very best. It also doesn’t hurt to create alliances with like-minded entrepreneurs and possibly collaborate together for a specific project.

Consistency is key when building your brand. I cannot emphasize enough, there is no such thing as an overnight success. If something doesn’t work, learn from it, find a solution and move on.

Build a genuine relationship with your customers because it helps to establish a recognizable brand that people will know and trust! With that being said, always, follow-up and stay connected with your network.

Not only are you a successful business owner, you’re a mother of five. How do you balance your family life and business?

It’s definitely something that I’ve had to learn from trial and error! Luckily, Dazzle Me Parties has afforded me the opportunity to include my kids in the business. My daughter, Amina, is actually one of the Dazzle Me Dolls that I mentioned earlier and I must say it is one of the best feelings in the world to be able and do what I love with my children. After all, a family that dazzles together stays together!

I read a past interview you did that you live by the quote, “To whom much is given much is required.” Though you have monetary success and a wide range of recognition, what does the word “success” mean to you?

Success to me embodies happiness both personally and professionally. Making a difference in someone’s life and falling in love over and over again with the life that you have created for yourself.

Check out more from Jean Noisette and Dazzle Me Parties by following, IG: @dazzlemeparties.

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