Movie mogul Tyler Perry hates billboards, but he loves highway signs, particularly the one directing motorists to Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta.
The founder, owner and CEO of Tyler Perry Studios told his four million Instagram followers that tears began to build in his eyes when he drove into work, as usual, but came across this sign emblazoned with the name of his studios. As you can see, the words “Tyler Perry Studios” had just been added to the highway sign.
Perry, 49, said he immediately gave thanks to God for blessing him and directing his path towards his current reality. He is, of course, a major motion picture maker, which is a stark contrast from his dark days of homelessness, starvation and near-destitution as he pursued his dreams.
In particular, Perry shared the particular passage in the Bible that buoyed him while he was living in the streets and then catapulted him towards legendary status.
“I want to share a scripture [or] prayer that helped me keep going, from St. Mark 9:23-25,” Perry said within the long IG post. “It’s a simple prayer by a man who had faith, a man who believed, but still had doubts. He said, ‘Lord, I believe but help my unbelief.'”
That scripture, and his belief in it, had to have helped knowing all that has transpired in Perry’s life in the past two decades, including at least 49 movies and TV shows, according to IMDb.com., not to mention all of the theater plays – which served the Perry empire in its infancy on the way to Hollywood hitmaker.
Check out Perry’s entire passage on Instagram below: