How did you determine your career path?
I wanted to do something that others weren’t doing, so I started the stretch studio industry. At the time, there were no other stretch studios. I was able to use my background as a professional dancer to create “The Kika Method®.”
Describe some of the innovative methods you apply to your business and life.
I believe that … no two people offer the world the same exact thing. I apply this to my brand and everyday life. I constantly find ways to differentiate myself from other people and other brands. For example, I created a method of stretching that is completely unique to our brand and only offered within our studios.
Describe how you set goals and measure your success.
I set goals based on what I want my life to look like. If I want to travel, I set goals based on setting up more locations in the areas I want to travel to. If I want to educate more people, I’ll set goals to publish articles or go on a speaking tour. … Have I successfully tackled my goal list? If I did, I count myself as a success. Success is not about getting everything you want. Success is all about execution.