The late literary lioness Maya Angelou once famously quipped, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
Many music fans believe Trina showed them who she really was the first time around when she angrily and loudly denounced people protesting the tragic death of George Floyd as “animals” last week. Now they want the bombastic and irascible rapper fired from her co-hosting duties on the “Trick and Trina Morning Show” on 99 JAMZ in Miami despite her two hastily constructed apologies including this one:
“Da Baddest B—-” rapper’s apologies rang hollow for many fans as they’ve started a Change.org petition seeking to have Katrina Laverne Taylor, 45, ousted from her radio show. By Wednesday, June 10, the petition had garnered more than 13,000 signatures with a goal of procuring 15,000.
The scalding petition reads: “Trina has taken it upon herself to condemn the residents of Miami who participated in the recent protests, live on air, in the most HEINOUS of ways. Not only did she lump protestors and the handful of looters together, Ms. Taylor took it upon herself to refer to protestors, who were majority Black and people of color, as “ANIMALS running the streets.(sic)”
The petition goes on to accuse Trina of “valuing her ‘friends’ store over the reason and importance of the protests. Comparing police brutality and racially enticed murders to someone being killed in a car accident or killed by someone of their own race/community.(sic)”
Fans signing the petition also took umbrage that Trina yelled on her radio show that she always feels safe driving because she has her driver’s license, registration and insurance. Thus, she is “insinuating that having these documents will protect her from police brutality despite the numerous police-involved murders where victims DID have these items present,” the petition reads.
What do you make of the petition to have Trina fired? Do you believe it’s time to forgive Trina for her hurtful words, or does she deserve to be canceled permanently?