Kwame Johnson is an author and the CEO and president of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta. It is the biggest and most successful youth mentoring agency in Georgia. Johnson has received national recognition for his work, including the Manhattan Institute’s Social Entrepreneur Program of the Year Award, Atlanta Business Chronicle‘s Most Admired CEO, Atlanta Business League’s Men of Influence Award, and many more. He was drawn to his calling while he was incarcerated during his senior year of high school and has made it his mission to set young men and women up for success.
What’s your mission?
My vision is to help solve poverty in Atlanta by helping young people furthest from opportunity reach their full potential.
What impactful initiatives has Big Brothers Big Sisters launched in the city?
We recently moved our headquarters from Midtown to southwest Atlanta to better serve the community. We also launched a pilot with the city of Atlanta to connect young boys called the “water boys” to redirect their entrepreneurial spirit and avoid the criminal justice system. In addition, we are in the process of deepening our DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] to serve as a place for hope and healing.
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