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Usher’s New Look announces 2022 Women of Influence honorees

Morgan Stanley’s Sandra L. Richards and Black Girls Rock! founder Beverly Bonds were recognized for their philanthropic and community impact
Usher's New Look announces 2022 Women of Influence honorees
Photo credit: Tom Springer

Celebrating 23 years of service to young people of color and recognizing two influential women who embody the spirit of giving, Usher’s New Look (UNL) announced its 2022 Women of Influence honorees at a Spring Tea held at Columbia University’s historic Faculty House. The festive gathering, an annual and signature UNL event, has a serious mission: to shine a spotlight on UNL’s standard-bearing youth development programs, inspire meaningful and productive inter-generational networking, and to honor the work and contributions of women of influence. The 2022 Usher’s New Look Women of Influence honorees are Beverly Bond, celebrity DJ and Founder of Black Girls ROCK! and Sandra L. Richards, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. WABC-TV anchor Sandra Bookman served as Mistress of Ceremonies.

Featuring remarks and special presentations by Careshia Moore, UNL’s president and CEO and Renea Pierre, chief engagement officer, more than 80 women attended from a cross-section of the business, civic and education sectors. The event was co-chaired by UNL Board Member and financial literacy advocate Sue Hrib and Helen C. Shelton, global chief diversity officer, Finn Partners.

Organized by UNL’s vice president of partnerships and programs Latoya Henry, the 2022 Women of Influence Tea was held to benefit UNL’s Moguls-in-Training Program that promotes financial literacy and provides access to opportunities for young people. Guests were also able to witness first-hand the impact of UNL’s programs by introducing active students in the program, including Nyya Collins, Sophie Schultz and Brianna Jean, who shared their experiences on how UNL has impacted their lives and helped them realize their educational and professional goals.

“Usher’s New Look is dedicated to promoting excellence and empowerment in underrepresented youth, and we could not be more delighted to recognize the contributions of Beverly Bond and Sandra L. Richards,” says Careshia Moore, president and CEO of Usher’s New Look. “Sandra and Beverly embody the true meaning of women of influence – not only do they excel in their respective careers as leaders in finance and entertainment, but they also use their positions as a platform and springboard to give back to our community, helping to foster a new generation of leaders. Sandra and Beverly both lead with purpose and with an eye towards opening doors for others.”

“It is a deep honor to be recognized by Usher’s New Look and to be named a 2022 Woman of Influence,” says Sandra L. Richards. “I am so inspired by UNL’s work to support the next generation of leaders and moguls-in-training.”

UNL Founder and noted recording artist, entertainer and philanthropist Usher Raymond IV – known as Usher to the world – made a surprise virtual appearance at the event and offered his congratulations and appreciation for the honorees and their work in advancing and fostering the leadership development of young people.

Another highlight of the event was the announcement of the Usher’s New Look Women of Influence Society. Extending opportunities for all women to get involved, the UNL Women of Influence Society raises money and offer opportunities for networking and collaboration. More information can be found here: » Women of Influence Giving Society (

Among the notable attendees were Michelle D. Grady, Esq., Eckert Seamans; investor, financial literacy advocate, UNL Board Member and Host Committee Co-Chairs Sue Hrib and Helen Shelton; Jessica Washington, UNL’s director of financial literacy, Kimberly Williams, UNL’s director or marketing; DeDe Brown,  Senior VP of Multicultural Marketing and Publicity Paramount Pictures; Pamela Alexander, Head of Corporate Citizenship KKR & Co.; Atinna Smith, Principal DEI Leader Amazon Devices & Services; Ife Davis, Cybersecurity Consultant; Morgan Stanley’s Tyres Jones, Associate Complex Manager (NYC) and Gerty Simon, Regional Diversity Officer; and, members of the Operations team from Goldman Sachs including Yetunde Durotoye, Audrey Zvinavashe and Daveda Browne.

“The Usher’s New Look Women of Influence NYC Spring Tea is a reminder of how there is no replacement for human touch, the sound of laughter and community.  I am so grateful that we were able come together to honor two pillars of philanthropy and community, Sandra L. Richards and Beverly Bond,” concludes Careshia Moore.  “Listening to our students, I am reminded of the impact of our work and how important UNL is to our youth reaching their potential, building relationships and gaining the confidence and skills they need to be successful. Through the generous support of these women and our stakeholders, we are able to continue to offer this support.”

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