PnB Rock’s unseen interview where he talked about attempted robbery (video)

PnB had just spoken to DJ Akademiks a week ago about nearly getting robbed before his tragic shooting death
PnB Rock's unseen interview where he talked about attempted robbery (video)
PNB Rock and girlfriend Steph. (Image source: Twitter – @PnBRock)

Perhaps no one, outside of PnB Rock’s family and his close coterie of friends, was more stunned and traumatized by the rapper’s violent death than iconic deejay Akademiks.

DJ Akademiks had not even released the interview where PnB Rock explained how he thwarted a robbery attempt before he was actually shot and killed on Monday, Sept. 12, 2022.

Rock and his girlfriend were eating at the world-famous Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles in South Los Angeles when he was murdered during a robbery in the middle of the day. The Los Angeles Police Department told the media that Rock was targeted because no one else was shot at. Also, the robber reportedly fled through the eaterie’s side door and jumped into a waiting car that immediately sped away.

Los Angeles Police Department Capt. Kelly Muniz said Rock was targeted for his jewelry.

“[The suspect] shot the victim and ran out the side door to a getaway car and then fled the parking lot,” Muniz said, according to the Los Angeles Times. 

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PnB Rock’s revelation about the previous robbery attempt takes on a much more poignant meaning as his fans lament the killing of yet another popular rapper.

Listen to Rock tell Akademiks how someone tried to stick him up.

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