Charlotte, North Carolina, native Shanquella Robinson mysteriously died durng a trip to, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. The harsh reality of her death made headlines after her family received Robinson’s autopsy report showing she had a broken neck and cracked spine.
The video surfaced of the incident after one of the friends on the trip leaked it to social media, showing one friend beating Robinson, and Robinson not fighting back.
An arrest warrant for femicide has now been issued for the person authorities believe delivered the fatal beating. The suspect could face up to 60 years in a Mexican prison if convicted. Salamondra Robinson, the mother of the late hairstylist, felt relieved to know the case is moving forward.
“I feel so good. That’s what we have been waiting for, for someone to be held accountable and arrested finally. I can’t wait for justice to be served,” Robinson shared in an interview with The Daily Beast.
Thousands of Robinson’s supporters gathered on Nov. 19 to celebrate her life through heartfelt tributes. Many described her as a beautiful, giving soul who enjoyed spending time with her loved ones.
Gerald Jackson, founder and publisher of The NC Beat, explained to rolling out why this story is so important and the sentiments he gathered from a conversation with Robinson’s family.

What brought your attention to this particular case?
At first, this was just a case of a family trying to find their daughter. I sent it to my assistant, who was like, “Yo. We need to get involved because this doesn’t sound right.” I was adamant about getting in contact with the family, and I spoke to them and I told them the individuals who were on the trip would be posted on The NC Beat ASAP, and I did that. My story went viral, and now that everything is unfolding, I am eager to see how justice is served for this heinous crime.
Why do you think celebrities like Kyrie Irving donated to Robinson’s GoFundMe?
I believe Kyrie Irving donated to show love and to show this family support with whatever financial obligations may arise out of the murder of their daughter. Mr. Irving showed us that Shanquella Robinson’s story touched him.
How did Robinson’s family describe their relationship with her?
They shared that she was a woman who would do anything for everyone, and I know we hear that a lot when people pass, but that was who she indeed was. If you asked her for something, and she had it, she [would] give it to you. She loved her clients; she was very successful. She went to Winston Salem State University, and they just told me that she was not a fighter. She wasn’t confrontational.