Whoopi Goldberg apologized to the Romani people after using an offensive slur, “gypped,” during her segment on “The View.” After facing criticism for using the term, Goldberg apologized for her words in a short video on Twitter. She explained that she had no idea the term was offensive and that she was sorry for any harm she may have caused.
“I just learned that the word ‘gypped’ is a derogatory term for the Romani people, and I am so sorry,” Goldberg said in the video. “I have never been one to harm any group of people intentionally, and I deeply apologize for using this word without realizing its impact.”
She explained how the term was casually used in the past, not thinking it would be offensive today. “You know, when you’re a certain age, you use the words that you know from when you were a kid, or you remember saying, and that’s what I did today, and I shouldn’t have,” she continued in her apology video.
Some social media critics applauded her for taking responsibility for her words, while others criticized her for not knowing the word’s history. One user shared, “It’s hard to be on TV now. Sometimes we make mistakes but are attacked so much because social media exists. Good for her to explain.” T
This backlash follows a recent suspension for Goldberg after ABC News reprimanded the talk show host for speaking out about the Holocaust not being about race. In February, Goldberg also apologized, saying, “The Jewish people around the world have always had my support, and that will never [waver]. I am sorry for the hurt I have caused.”