Does your office space inspire you to be productive?

Day in and day out we spend countless hours building a business, working on major projects or writing a new book. But oftentimes, the inspiration of the room or cubicle we sit at each day doesn’t reflect the life we want

POPSUGAR: Perfect must-have gift for late holiday shoppers

Between business meetings and preparing for the new year, it can be easy to forget holiday shopping. In fact, statistics show that almost 30 percent of shoppers wait until the last few days to pick up gifts. Instead of fighting

4 can’t miss Cyber Monday deals for entrepreneurs

With Black Friday weekend in full swing, customers are flooding the stores for the best deals of the holiday season. But for some entrepreneurs, the grind never stops. Between busy schedules and business meetings, here are six great Cyber Monday

Why every entrepreneur needs to add exercise to their boss moves

Does the daily grind often leave you exhausted? Most entrepreneurs fill their days up with meetings, team planning, attending events and running a successful company. But oftentimes, they forget to add a very important boss move to their hectic routine —

#PowerWomenSweat celebrates healthy living with women

With very busy schedules and demanding positions in the city, it is very easy for women like Atlanta’s power leaders to lose sight of a healthy lifestyle. In efforts to celebrate better living, women of the city of Atlanta moved their

Is co-working space a good fit for your new business?

You’ve finally left your desk job, registered your business and are now ready to be a true entrepreneur. For millennial business owners, coworking space has become a key factor in growing their company into a serious one. With big dreams

Are you ready to quit your 9-5? Read this first

In today’s business world, new entrepreneurs are emerging every day. In fact, people are leaving their unfulfilling 9-5 jobs to create over 500K businesses each year. But oftentimes, people jump into company ownership before they are ready. Still, unhappiness and many other emotions