Jen Heasley is ‘Cooking with the Pros’

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Jen Heasley’“Cooking with the Pros” a show that combines her passions, sports and food. She opens up about how she began and offers advice to up and coming entrepreneurs below. –Joi Pearson

How did you get into cooking?

My parents were very holistic people; they were big on being self-sustaining. We had a very large garden and baked our own bread. My siblings and I were all in the kitchen learning how to cook, bake, can and freeze fruits and vegetables.

How did the cooking show start?

Years ago, I started an after school cooking show with my middle schoolers. The show’s a follow up idea from “Soul Food Cook-Offs” which I organized for several years with the students and staff. Being a fan of cooking shows, I realized my two passions weren’t represented, sports and food. I thought the two are a perfect combination.

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What do you love most about what you do?

It is so much fun, I share great food, conversation with fabulous sports figures, and game day tips with my fans. Writing my blog is something that has given me a different voice and helps me reach an audience on a broader scale who share my passion.

What advice would you give to up and coming entrepreneurs?

BELIEVE in yourself! Be true to your passion and be driven. When you feel tired, figure out a way to rejuvenate your soul and your vision. Figure out a way to be as efficient as possible. Take notes daily, use a calendar, log all contacts, and be kind, gracious, and appreciative to all. Trademark your products, logos, and concepts. Protect your dream. Remember the sky is the limit. When the wheels get turning, no one can stop you. Remember, there is only one you and no one else has a brain that works the way yours works. Embrace it, love it, and most importantly love yourself!

Describe the skills that are essential to future business leaders.
Creativity and thinking outside of the box. The most simplistic concept might change the world. Learning, everyday is an opportunity to make you a better you. My mantra each morning- Today is a new day for me to be a better me.
Names 3 books that changed how you saw life that you’d recommend.
1. “Men From Mars Women From Venus”
2. “The Secret”
3. “Children Live What They Learn”
How can people find you?
My website in January
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