Procter & Gamble hosted a Gain flings ‘Music to Your Nose’ reception at the Gem Saloon. The room smelled amazing because of the scent from the flings and we were able to take photos on the green carpet. Music was played by DJ Kiss and we were served green cocktails and tasty finger foods.
The special invited guests were The Braxton sisters, which included Tamar, Trina, Towanda and Traci. The sisters enlightened us on their laundry escapades and how simple the flings are to use that even their children use them.
Tamar pointed out, “I do not do laundry and so I love how all I have to do is ‘fling’ it in the washer. Towanda, has taught her children how to wash clothes and so now I see just how simple it really is.”
Check out more photos from the event in the gallery. –joi pearson @joiapearson
Photos by Talking with Tami and Joi Pearson Photography