Pastor Christopher Evans Sr. is best known as a powerful and inspiring preacher who teaches the Word of God with simplicity. Pastor Evans captivates his audiences with wit and a strong sense of humor. Offering a message of hope and opportunity, he teaches dreamers to capture a promising vision of the future. He believes that fulfillment in life is only obtained through discovering and achieving an individual purpose.
Evans recently had the opportunity to join OWN’s “Ready to Love,” a dating show tailored for singles based in Atlanta. Evans said he joined the show even though he knew it could be risky because he wanted to show an example of how a godly man should date. His storyline allowed him to discuss practicing celibacy while dating and why it was important for him as a pastor to practice what he was preaching to his congregation. “I wanted people to see that I am human and I make mistakes but I’m trying to do the right thing and you can too. I wanted to start a conversation that could lead to other Christians learning to date successfully,” he said.
• City: Hogansville, Georgia (church); Buckhead section of Atlanta (residence)
• House of Worship: Destiny Worship Center
• Religion: Christianity
• Social media handles: @pastorchrissr •Facebook: Christopher Evans
•Website: pastorchrisevans.com
What three daily habits help you maintain your success, sanity and peace of mind?
1) Prayer
2) Exercise
3) Laughter
How important is it to have a personal relationship with God?
Having a relationship with God is the deepest longing and greatest need of humanity. Worship is a part of our design. Therefore, we are going to worship something. Whether it be money, sex, or another human being, we will find something to satisfy our craving to worship. Unfortunately, many individuals spend their whole lives searching for what can only be quenched when they worship God.
As a pastor, what is your greatest or proudest achievement?
The day my mom received Christ after hearing me preach and she is currently a member and minister in my church.
Who is your biggest inspiration? Why?
Pastor Smokie Norful. Pastor Norful is my pastor, my coach, my mentor, my brother, and my best friend. I admire his faith and focus to accomplish the impossible. He is a cutting-edge leader who walks with an assurance of God’s ability to fulfill every promise. His life is a living example of what a “no limits” life looks like.
Who are your favorite biblical figures? Please explain. Other than Jesus, David is my favorite biblical character. I can relate to his passion for worship, his pain to walk in his destiny, and his persistent commitment to pursue God even after his mistakes.