Currently serving as the director of marketing for the University of Texas at Austin, Robin Meeks never intended on being the ideation savant she has become. Truth be told, she felt more suited as a project or procurement manager until a Sprite campaign changed her career path for good.
“I was doing research for a school assignment,” the Sacramento-born military brat remembers. “I came across an article about Sprite and how Darryl Cobbin repositioned Sprite and moved the brand to the No. 4 slot in the beverage category. I thought that was very powerful., and I wanted to do that type of work.”
Since making that pivotal decision, she has earned the respect of her colleagues nationwide, Cobbin included. Meeks spoke to rolling out about the concept and importance of creating action in the marketing industry and how to move ideas forward.
How would you describe your role as a marketing director?
As the director of marketing for the University of Texas at Austin, I am responsible for promoting and protecting the brand of the university. I manage a team that includes designers, web and content creators. Together we create an integrated marketing strategy and execute the brand vision to promote the university’s public identity and reputation.
Click continue to read more about Meeks’ career path and her advice for future entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators.