Kenya Moore gave thanks to her Maker for her life and that of her toddler daughter, Brooklyn Daly, after an SUV smashed into her concrete mailbox outside her home — the very place where Moore had walked with her daughter the previous day.
“The Real Housewives of Atlanta” star said she returned from a walk with her daughter last week to find that her mailbox was shattered in the middle of the road. After searching her surveillance video, she was shocked to the core as to why the concrete structure was toppled.

No explanation was given to Moore as to how the vehicle swayed that far off the road and collided with Moore’s mailbox.
Moore shared two videos of the incident on her Instagram feed. The second video shows the accident in graphic detail. The driver reportedly did not sustain major injuries.
The entire roof of the vehicle had to be cut off to free the driver from the vehicle.

Moore, 48, was shaken because of the proximity of the accident to where she walks with her daughter routinely.
Here is the video of the crash as captured by 11 Alive television station: