After hearing complaints from nurses regarding the unavailability of PPE, John Bravo decided to skip a GoFundMe campaign and searched for a reasonably priced local PPE supplier instead. Bravo enlisted well-connected peers to purchase the supplies and currently distributes safety glasses, masks and gloves out of parking lots when he’s not coordinating pick-ups at his newly launched nightclub, Society, in downtown Detroit.
“It started off by ordering a pair of safety glasses for a nurse friend of mine. People on the ground are not seeing a lot of what’s donated. By the time supplies get to them, there’s nothing left to protect them.” Bravo shared. “They are wearing the same stuff over two shifts, spraying down their masks and gowns with Lysol. I deliver straight to nurses and medical staff so they have it in their hands. We trusted the government and hospitals were going to be able to handle it, but it’s become every man for himself.”
Fly Koolade is working as a one-man army assembling masks 15-18 hours a day. The 20-year-old apparel brand pivoted to sewing masks after receiving numerous inquiries to purchase custom, reusable masks. What originated as a request by medical workers for more stylish masks has evolved into a campaign to encourage young people to be more socially responsible.
To learn more about the PPE efforts of Detroit Sewn, AYV, or John Bravo, visit www.detroitsewn.com, www.ayvlifestyle.com, and follow @detroitbravo on Instagram and @bravospage on Facebook.