Woman’s stunning mission transforms NYC homeless lives

Why are you impassioned about philanthropy and provide three reasons why paying it forward is necessary to communities today?

Paying it forward is important because it alters our cultural identity. We affect the climate of three main sectors — home life, sociable places and workplaces.

I’m impassioned about philanthropy because I know what it’s like to not have. Growing up in multiple housing projects, I witnessed that my peers and lacked mentorship and money. Coming from a single-family household with a mother working long, odd hours, you tend to get into trouble with no mentors. Philanthropy is not always about donating money but providing resources and mentorship as well.

It becomes an essential part of your critical thinking process, and this extends to future generations. In the community, perhaps they’ll see this drive in you and carry the same tradition forward. I believe that they’ll be more compassionate in their humanity and prone to make a difference.

On a moral level, you’re practicing responsibility, accountability and gaining credibility by considering others’ needs. This carries over into other aspects of one’s life. You feel better about yourself because you know that you are contributing to the greater good and betterment of someone else’s life.

What do you project the impact will be for this year and do you plan to continue Thanksgiving Give Back projects annually?

We’ve been going strong since 2011 and [we’re] projecting it to be a great turn out. Last year, we fed 1,000 people and prior to that it was 800. Each year the number increases, which means we’re on track with our purpose. The mission will always be to change someone else’s life and circumstances for the better.

To learn more, visit www.SLRLLC.org and www.SunshineSmith-Williams.com.

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