How Black father and son duo became a YouTube sensation

DuB and his son Woo Wop blew up from not being picture perfect, but simply being themselves
How Black father and son duo became a YouTube sensation
Pictured from the left, are Woo Wop and DuB. (Video screenshot via: YouTube – DuB Family)

DuB didn’t know this was the life he would live.

The YouTuber, whose content revolves around entertaining themes and plots using his real friends and family members, has built a channel of over 1 million subscribers. He quit his full-time job in Michigan to move out to Los Angeles and become a content creator alongside his brother, YouTuber and rap star DDG.

YouTube video

After DDG’s show in Atlanta, DuB spoke to rolling out about his career in social media as well as fatherhood.

How do you balance including fatherhood in your content, while also protecting your son?

I feel like being a father is like having a friend that you control. Woo Wop is like my friend, but I could control him. I teach him stuff. I’m older, way older, so I’ve been through stuff and I try to teach him at an early age. That’s why he’s so smart. I don’t hold back. I don’t say, “Oh, I shouldn’t say this in front of my son.” I say whatever I want and he knows. I just let him be who he wants to be because he’s going to be who he wants to be anyways. I feel like having a kid balances you into being a teacher. More than anything else, it’s being a teacher.

What’s the difference from life a few years ago, when DDG was a popular YouTuber, versus now, when he has a few Billboard hits?

I want to say in about 2018, I wasn’t even a social media dude. I had a lot going on in my personal life, so I wouldn’t really use social media. So when my brother told me he was making all his money on the internet, I didn’t believe it. But I’m now I’m a believer, you know, I see it. So now, it’s normal, but when I go to shows and I’m on stage, I’d be like, “d—, this s— lit.” I wonder how it feels to be in the crowd now because I’m always with him.

You’ve previously talked about leaving Michigan, with a well-paying job, but wanting more. What was the turning point for you?

My turning point was I didn’t want the whole time scheduled to live my life. When you’re at work, I feel like you’d live with- it’s not a problem having a job, just do something you love. My thing was, I loved getting interactions when I say funny s—. So to get paid for it was when I felt like it was my passion, and YouTube panned out for me.

Do you get survivor’s guilt?

No. I live in Beverly Hills. I have no worries anymore. Nothing, at all … I don’t even know if I know how to act like that anymore. I think if I had to bring that part of me back out, I could, but I don’t even act like that anymore.

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