
Sold: ‘Ebony’ and ‘Jet’ magazines

In the Black community Ebony and Jet magazines are iconic brands that validate our achievements. On Tuesday, June 14 it was announced that Johnson Publishing sold the magazines

POWER BOX empowering our communities

In 2014, after the death of Mike Brown and the outcry in Ferguson, Missouri, Blacks across the country decided to boycott for Black Friday. A

How to make $20,000 for an Instagram post

Why post your swag for free, when you can make thousands of dollars by posting to Instagram? For some fashion, beauty, fitness and lifestyle bloggers, what they post is how they eat. Take for instance popular blogger Danielle Bernstein of We Wore What, who tells Harper’s Bazaar she makes as much as $15,000 from a single Instagram post.

ABC’s ‘Shark Tank’ heads to Atlanta

In conjunction with the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, Values Partnership, Georgia Tech University and Morehouse College ABC’s hit show, “Shark Tank” is holding a casting

Jay Z’s 40/40 beverage hits Duane Reade and Walgreens

Rapper/business mogul Jay Z has released his new “40/40” drink in Duane Reade and Walgreens stores across the U.S. Named after his famous nightclub, the beverage is listed as retailing for $1.99 and is sports-themed drink with an Arnold Palmer-ish flavor.